Well, as you can see, I won't be posting too often. I don't know if I just can't get motivated to post, or if I really have nothing to say.
Just a couple of things for today. First, a pic of our current dogs. Gracie is about 3yrs old now, she's the white Fox Terrier mix with black spots. Then, the relatively new addition to the family is Tiny, our Boston Terrier. Both are fanatical about laying in a spot of sun, but as sweet as Tiny looks, she always has to have the "best" spot and enjoys pushing Gracie out of the way. Just a side note on Bostons, they have terrible gas,, really. We have found a special concoction of rice, chicken or beef and veggies to cook up for her and it does help, a lot. So now her gas is mostly audible, but not quite so toxic. Thought you'd like to know.
Jake's basketball team is doing quite well. They won a tournament last week end and is playing in another right now. So far they have won their first two games, the first in OT 34-32 and the second in the waning seconds also by 2points. Jake has been playing soccer for almost 6years now (he's almost 11), so we've been to quite a few soccer games, but, I really think a tight basketball game is more stressful/exciting than the vast majority of soccer games. I know I'm biased, but more and more I see Jake stepping up to the plate and displaying real leadership qualities. He is an incredible blessing to our family, I could not more proud of him for sure!
I will try to write more tomorrow. J has a big game at 2pm against the Mason Comets Green, a select team from, yep, Mason. Gary, one of J's soccer team mates plays on that team so it will definitely be fun to see them both on the court tossing the ball versus kicking it! Good night and may God bless you. k
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